User Details

Daud Ahmadzai

Nick Name Qasmi
City Kabul
State or Provance Fazara
Current Street Address
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Postal Code

Date of Birth Day-Month-Year
Date of Missing Day-Month-1991
Race Pashtoon
Gender Male

My brother who has been cut his relation for the 16 years the following is information about him: His name is Daud Ahmadzai but he came to USA with his friends under the name of Daud Qasmi in the beginning he lived in California then in Texas for long time rolex replica, Information about my brother Daud Ahmadzai ( Daud Qasmi) Left Kabul in 1363 Migrated to USA: from Pakistan 1365 to USA Friends names: Moqim Qasmi He was in touch with us until 1991 but we lost contact with him after that. My parents lived in Jalabad and I am Daud’s youngest sister lived in Canada. My phone # 905 796 0450 Please contact me with my email address
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